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The Road to Darnassus

Slay 6 Gnarlpine Ambushers and return to Sentinel Amara Nightwalker outside of Dolanaar.
Emboscador Tuercepinos matado (6)


The road to Darnassus must be kept safe. Travelers heading from Dolanaar to Darnassus have been reporting ruthless attacks by corrupted furbolgs from the Gnarlpine tribe.

Important news and commerce travels to and from Darnassus by way of this road daily. We cannot afford to have a rogue band of heathens terrorizing people.

Take up arms in the name of the sacred forest, <clase>. Their den lies somewhere below this vantage point. Slay 6 of these Gnarlpine ambushers and report back to me.




Recibirás: 2 25 (o 4 20 si se completa al nivel 80)


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 700 experiencia
  • 250 reputación con Darnassus

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