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The Blackwood Corrupted

Fill the Empty Cleansing Bowl at the Auberdine Moonwell.

Gather a sample of fruit, nut, and grain from the northern Blackwood furbolg camps.

Mix the bowl and place it near the bonfire closest to the Cliffspring River at the northern camp, thus summoning the satyr corruptor.

Take the Talisman of Corruption and bring it to Thundris Windweaver in Auberdine.
Talisman of Corruption
Objeto provisto:
Empty Cleansing Bowl


We've learned that a source of furbolg corruption is from the satyr. They hold sway via talismans that they channel magic through. If the furbolg have a chance at salvation, we must lure out the satyr corruptor and take that talisman!

Fill this bowl at our moonwell and take samples of the furbolgs' food from their northern camp. Mix them and place it near the bonfire by the river; any furbolgs who eat will be cleansed just long enough to lure out the satyr corruptor... who then you must slay!




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Wildkeeper Leggings Guststorm Legguards
Moonstone Wand
También recibirás: 20


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 1.700 experiencia
  • 350 reputación con Darnassus

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