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Digging Through the Ooze

One of the oozes at Ironbeard's Tomb has Sida's bag, retrieve it and bring it back to her in Menethil Harbor.
Sida's Bag


On my weekly visit to Ironbeard's Tomb I was attacked by dreadful, dripping oozes! Naturally, I panicked.

I threw my bag at one, but it didn't do anything! The ooze just sucked it right up... Luckily, it did give me enough time to get away.

The bad news is that I really need to get the contents of my bag!

I don't know which ooze I threw my bag at; they all looked the same! Ironbeard's Tomb is northeast of here, near Dun Modr. Thank you so much!




Vous recevrez : 35
Ooze-covered Bag


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 2 400 points d'expérience
  • 350 points de réputation avec Forgefer

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