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Pyrewood Ambush

Help Deathstalker Faerleia kill the Pyrewood Council.


Aid Faerleia in killing the Pyrewood Council


You got here just in the nick of time, <nombre>!

The Pyrewood Council will be returning any moment. Arugal has other matters to tend to in the keep. He uses the Council as mere puppets to keep the mindless minions of Pyrewood under his control. But I believe that without the guidance of the Pyrewood Council, the sons of Arugal will turn against their master.

I cannot handle them all by myself. I need you to help me. Together we can lay waste to the Council for Lady Sylvanas.



Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Stretched Leather Trousers Mystic Shawl
Faerleia's Shield
También recibirás: 7


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 1.050 experiencia
  • 250 reputación con Entrañas

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