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The Corruption of the Jadefire

Kill 11 Jadefire Felsworns, 9 Jadefire Shadowstalkers, 9 Jadefire Rogues, and Xavathras. Return to Eridan Bluewind in Felwood when the task has been completed.
Gangrelige jadefeu tué (11)
Traqueur des ombres jadefeu tué (9)
Voleur jadefeu tué (9)
Xavathras tué


Not many seek adventure here... Felwood's corruption is widespread and indiscriminate.

As part of the Emerald Circle, I seek to heal this land, but there are some that wish it to fester.

The ones I speak of are the Jadefire satyrs that dwell to the northwest of here, at the Ruins of Constellas. Led by a particularly cruel satyr named Xavathras, they continue to spread the disease to any creatures they encounter.

We must defend this land that was once ours. Defeat Xavathras and destroy his minions.




Vous recevrez : 48 si completé au niveau 80


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 7 890 points d'expérience

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