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Bone-Bladed Weapons

Bring 8 White Ravasaur Claws to Jes'rimon in Orgrimmar.
White Ravasaur Claw (8)


Hmm, maybe there be somethin' you can do for the Hand now that me think 'bout it. Yes, Jes'rimon could use your help for sure.

In Un'Goro Crater there be raptors with deadly claws. Some of those raptors sometimes have white claws instead of ones black like death. The Hand have... clients... that like weapons crafted from these claws. Bring me many of those white claws, and me pay you good coin. Do it fast enough, and maybe me help you in other ways.




Vous pourrez choisir une de ces récompenses :
White Bone Band White Bone Shredder
White Bone Spear
Vous recevrez également : 40  (ou 43 50 si completé au niveau 80)


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