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The Love Potion

Bring 4 Gromsblood, 10 Giant Silver Veins and Nagmara's Filled Vial to Mistress Nagmara in Blackrock Depths.
Gromsblood (4)
Giant Silver Vein (10)
Nagmara's Filled Vial
Прилагается предмет:
Nagmara's Vial


Oh, the pains of love! My dear Private Rocknot is immune to my charms. I am spurned! It's maddening!

You must help me! We succubi know much of love, and I can make a potion to beat down the iron walls around Rocknot's heart. To make it, I need these items: the herb gromsblood, giant silver veins from the cliff giants of Azshara, and water from the Golakka Springs Crater in Un'Goro. You can place the water in this vial.

Please, <название>, help a poor soul in her quest for happiness!




Вам дадут возможность выбрать одну из следующих наград:
Nagmara's Whipping Belt Manacle Cuffs
Вы также получите: 80


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  • 11 800 опыта

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