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Kim'jael Indeed!

Search the Thalassian Base Camp for Kim'jael's Compass, Scope, Stuffed Chicken and Wizzlegoober, then return them to him in Azshara.
Kim'Jael's Compass
Kim'Jael's Scope
Kim'Jael's Stuffed Chicken
Kim'Jael's Wizzlegoober


Kim'jael indeed!! Do you know what Kim'jael means to the Blood elves, <nombre>? Little rat... or something like that. The big bullies!

They hired me to help them scout the area looking for some sort of lost treasures. Of course I jumped aboard the moment they said "treasure" and the amount they were willing to pay, but of course, they turned on me and tried to kill me... ME!

Goes to show you, you can't trust a Blood elf.

The problem is, they still have my equipment and I can't get it back. Help me out?




Recibirás: 8  (o 57 si se completa al nivel 80)
M73 Frag Grenade


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:

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