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WowheadWowheadBug meldenBug meldenLiensLiens

Rear Guard Patrol

Kill 8 Bleeding Horrors and 8 Wandering Spirits, then report back to Linnea at her camp.
Horreur sanguinolente tué (8)
Esprit vagabond tué (8)


The defenders on The Bulwark protecting Tirisfal from the Plaguelands are on constant alert. But sometimes Scourge will slip past them.

Our success at the Bulwark depends on a one-front battle - we cannot allow an attack from the rear, nor can we allow our defenders' supply line to be cut.

Assist the Bulwark. Patrol east and slay any Scourge you find. Spend particular effort at the Balnir Farmstead to the east. It has become a haven for interloping Scourge.




Vous recevrez : 3  (ou 3 90 si completé au niveau 80)


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 660 points d'expérience
  • 150 points de réputation avec Fossoyeuse

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