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In Eranikus' Own Words

Travel to the eastern part of Winterspring and speak with Umbranse the Spiritspeaker.


<nom>, our first step will be to devise a method to speak with Eranikus through the gem. He lies in a precarious state between sleep and death now, twisted within a weave of nightmares. Though the essence you have given me is badly tainted, there is a chance we can reach him.

Travel far to the icy lands of eastern Winterspring and seek one of our mortal allies, Umbranse the Spiritspeaker. He is a human medium who speaks for the dead. Though Eranikus is not truly dead, he may be of aid to us still.



Vous recevrez : 36 si completé au niveau 80


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 6 100 points d'expérience

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