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A Grim Task

Kill Balgaras the Foul and bring his ear to Longbraid the Grim outside of Dun Modr.
Ear of Balgaras


Many of my soldiers died in the battle of Dun Modr. My own brother perished when the West Bridge over the Thandol Span was destroyed. Aye, the Dark Iron dwarves are a devilish breed. From what Roggo was able to gather, the leader of the thugs in the Wetlands is a warlock named Balgaras the Foul. He is quite a coward, sending his soldiers to do his bidding but hides in his camp on Direforge Hill, to the southeast.

If you can find the spineless scum, slay him and bring me his ear. I will reward you, <clase>.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Gold Lion Shield Tranquil Ring
También recibirás: 15 si se completa al nivel 80


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 2.540 experiencia
  • 250 reputación con Forjaz

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