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The Dark Iron War

Motley Garmason at Dun Modr wants you to kill 10 Dark Iron Dwarves, 5 Dark Iron Tunnelers, 5 Dark Iron Saboteurs and 5 Dark Iron Demolitionists.
Enano Hierro Negro matado (10)
Tunelador Hierro Negro matado (5)
Saboteador Hierro Negro matado (5)
Demoledor Hierro Negro matado (5)


War rages both home and abroad. While mighty Dwarven soldiers give their lives in far off territories in the name of the Alliance, our own lands fall prey to the evil deeds of the Dark Iron Dwarves. They laid waste to the Thandol Span. Dun Modr fell soon after.

We need you to gather force and push the front back. If you can kill 10 Dark Iron Dwarves, 5 Tunnelers, 5 Saboteurs and 5 Demolitionists, the reserve might arrive in time to finish the drive.

Now make haste!




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