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WANTED: Andre Firebeard

Bring Andre's Head to Security Chief Bilgewhizzle in Steamwheedle Port.
Firebeard's Head


The vile pirate Andre Firebeard is wanted for crimes against Steamwheedle and Gadgetzan.

By decree of governing counsel, any who read this are hereby authorized to use lethal force during the apprehension of Andre and his abettors.

By further decree, should Andre be deceased, or otherwise indisposed, during the time of his hearing, his head may act as proxy, and deliverance of such head to Security Chief Bilgewhizzle constitutes a binding, and tenderable, contract.




Vous recevrez : 1 30


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 5 540 points d'expérience
  • 250 points de réputation avec Gadgetzan

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