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Rig Wars

Retrieve the Rig Blueprints and Thermaplugg's Safe Combination from Gnomeregan and bring them to Nogg in Orgrimmar.
Rig Blueprints
Thermaplugg's Safe Combination


Gnome technology - two years ago its most common use was as a punch line. Times certainly have changed. Now they've got a new rig built that's better than all our shredder models combined. I need the blueprints, <nom>!

Unfortunately, the plans are locked away in a safe near Mekgineer Thermaplugg. To make matters worse, the combination to the safe is only known by Mekgineer Thermaplugg.

Do whatever you have to do to get that combination, <nom>. Then crack open that safe and bring back those blueprints!




Vous pourrez choisir une de ces récompenses :
Civinad Robes Triprunner Dungarees
Dual Reinforced Leggings
Vous recevrez également : 30 si completé au niveau 80


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 4 950 points d'expérience
  • 500 points de réputation avec Orgrimmar

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