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The Mark of Quality

Bring 10 Thick Yeti Hides to Jangdor Swiftstrider in Camp Mojache.
Thick Yeti Hide (10)


I take pride in my leather work, and I feel it shows; quality should never be compromised. Anyone who says that quality doesn't matter would also have you believe that the earth does not keep secrets!

In my latest pursuit of high-quality materials, I have discovered thick yeti hides. Yetis are native to Feralas, often found west of here in Feral Scar Vale. I'll give you a choice of one of my leather goods for a stack of ten. If that is agreeable to you, then we are set!




Vous pourrez choisir une de ces récompenses :
Jangdor's Handcrafted Gloves Jangdor's Handcrafted Boots
Vous recevrez également : 34 50 si completé au niveau 80


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