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The Touch of Zanzil

Bring Doc Mixilpixil one bundle of Simple Wildflowers, one Leaded Vial, one Bronze Tube, and one Spool of Light Chartreuse Silk Thread. The 'itis' doesn't cure itself, young <fella/lady>.
Simple Wildflowers
Leaded Vial
Bronze Tube
Spool of Light Chartreuse Silk Thread


It's unanimous, <nombre>. You've got the 'itis.'

Luckily, I have a cure for the 'itis.'

Here's what I need: One bundle of simple wildflowers, one leaded vial, one bronze tube, and last but certainly not least, one spool of light chartreuse silk thread. Ol' Emma left a spool of it for me at 'The Finest Thread.' You can find the shop along the canals.

Hurry along now, <nombre>, and try not to touch anyone until you're cured. Oh, and Dr. Montgomery says you need a shower -- his words, not mine.




Recibirás: 7 20 si se completa al nivel 80
Eau de Mixilpixil


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  • 1.150 experiencia

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