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Vulture's Vigor

Bring ten Vulture Gizzards and two Snickerfang Jowls to Bloodmage Lynnore.
Vulture Gizzard (10)
Snickerfang Jowl (2)


Death does indeed have wings in these blasted lands, <race>. I have witnessed the black slayers and bonepickers feasting upon the corpse of many a fallen explorer - sometimes feeding upon the most vile and disease ridden of carcasses. It is a wonder, then, how their internal systems overcome the pestilence that claims these lands.

Assist me in my studies, <nom>! Gizzards I need! Two snickerfang jowls will also be required for the base of the concoction.

You shall be rewarded two-fold for your efforts.




Vous recevrez : 40 50 si completé au niveau 80
Gizzard Gum


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 6 810 points d'expérience

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