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The Decisive Striker

Bring three Scorpok Pincers, two Vulture Gizzards, and one Blasted Boar Lung to Bloodmage Drazial.
Scorpok Pincer (3)
Vulture Gizzard (2)
Blasted Boar Lung


Have you ever watched them in battle, <nom>? The scorpoks, I mean. Have you ever seen the grace and agility with which they move? The decisiveness of their strikes?

If only we could somehow isolate that agility and encapsulate it, we would be wealthy beyond our... I mean... it would be a boon for the scientific community.

Assist me, <nom>, and I shall allow you a sampling of the assay.

In order to create a stable sample, I will need three scorpok pincers, two vulture gizzards, and one blasted boar lung.




Vous recevrez : 40 50 si completé au niveau 80
Ground Scorpok Assay


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 6 810 points d'expérience

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