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WANTED: Chok'sul

Kill Chok'sul and bring his head to Magistrate Bluntnose of Thelsamar.
Chok'sul's Head


By order of the Magistrate of Thelsamar:

Chok'sul, the ogre presumed to be the leader and coordinator of attacks against the town of Thelsamar, Stonewrought Dam, and the excavation site, is wanted dead through any means necessary.

Monetary compensation will be provided when proof is brought to the Magistrate of Chok'sul's death.

Chok'sul was last seen at the ogre encampment in the northeastern part of Loch Modan.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Kimbra Boots Durable Chain Shoulders
También recibirás: 1 5 si se completa al nivel 80
Minor Channeling Ring


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 1.750 experiencia
  • 250 reputación con Forjaz

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