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Prophecies Of Doom
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Prophecies Of Doom

Listen to a speech given by a Doomsayer in the Drag and obtain copies of the pamphlets "Elemental Fire for the Soul","What Does 'The End of All Things' Mean for Me?",and "Finding Security and Comfort in a Doomed World".
Elemental Fire for the Soul
What Does 'The End of All Things' Mean for Me?
Finding Security and Comfort in a Doomed World
Listen to Doomsayer's speech


Harbingers of doom are nothing new on the streets of Orgrimmar,but I'm worried about this latest batch. These people are organized and they've attracted a lot of attention in the Drag,where they seem to congregate.

I've thought about rounding them up or otherwise disrupting their activities,but that will just drive them underground. We need to find out more about them. Would you go to the Drag,listen to what these doomsayers are spreading,and gather any literature you can find about their ideas?




Vous recevrez : 35 (ou 10 20 si completé au niveau 80)


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  • 5 points d'expérience
  • 250 points de réputation avec Orgrimmar
Cette quête sera converti en Prophecies Of Doom si vous transférez en Alliance.

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