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Choose Your Path


To atone for the sins I committed as one of the Lich King's Death Knights, I've dedicated myself to creating rings of great power for our brothers and sisters to use in the struggle.

You've proven yourself as a valuable ally in the fight against the Scourge, <nombre>. As your dedication continues I can improve on the ring's original design.

Choose your path carefully. A change of heart will come at a price.


Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Ashen Band of Courage Ashen Band of Vengeance
Ashen Band of Destruction Ashen Band of Wisdom
Ashen Band of Might
También recibirás: 7 40  (o 13 23 si se completa al nivel 80)


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:

Información relacionada
