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A Peon's Burden

Bring Ukor's Burden to Innkeeper Grosk in Razor Hill.
Ukor's Burden (Fourni)


Excuse me? Can you help me?

I have a load of food here. I walked along the road and braved scorpids and spiders and worse! I brought the food to the Valley of Trials because I thought they needed it and I like to help out. But they don't need any food! Now I have to take it back to Razor Hill and I'm afraid of all the beasts along the way...

Can you take it for me? I'm just a peon, but you're a hero. You fear nothing!

Take it to Innkeeper Grosk at the Razor Hill inn. Thank you!




Vous pourrez choisir une de ces récompenses :
Refreshing Spring Water Tough Hunk of Bread
Vous recevrez également : 60 si completé au niveau 80


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