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Dolanaar Delivery

Bring the Dolanaar Delivery to Innkeeper Keldamyr.
Dolanaar Delivery (Provisto)


Greetings, young <clase>. Can you offer me aid? I have a package of herbs that I must deliver to the town of Dolanaar. But I still have business with the druids of Shadowglen and cannot yet leave.

Can you deliver this package for me? It must be sent to Innkeeper Keldamyr, at the Dolanaar inn. It lies along the road, to the south.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Refreshing Spring Water Darnassian Bleu
También recibirás: 60 si se completa al nivel 80


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 110 experiencia
  • 25 reputación con Darnassus

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