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A New Threat

Balir Frosthammer wants you to kill 6 Rockjaw Troggs and 6 Burly Rockjaw Troggs.
Trogg Comepiedras matado (6)
Trogg Comepiedras fornido matado (6)


I hope you're here to lend us a hand, <clase>. After the last trogg attack, we could use all the help we can get.

I hear the buggers have been popping up all across the lands, and it seems Coldridge Valley is no exception. They've been spotted all over the hills to the southeast and near the frozen lake.

And that's not all, just a few nights ago, they attacked and overran our camp to the west!

We're a bit shorthanded here, <lad /lass>, and we need strong arms to help drive the troggs back.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Rustic Belt Snow Boots
Bear Shawl
También recibirás: 90 si se completa al nivel 80


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