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The Rethban Gauntlet

Enter the Rethban Caverns, reach the first fork, and return to Yorus Barleybrew within the time allowed.

You must not die and release your spirit.


Enter the Rethban Caverns


I call my challenge the Rethban Gauntlet. To pass the trial, all you must do is enter the Rethban Caverns, to the first fork, then return here. Easy! Except there are a few wrinkles...

You have to return within an hour.

There are whole heaps of Redridge Gnolls in the way.

Before you start, you have to take a swig of my family's signature drink: Barleybrew Scalder!

So what do you say? The Rethban Caverns are in the foothills north of Lakeshire. Are you ready to run the Rethban Gauntlet?



Recibirás: 7 80 si se completa al nivel 80


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 1.300 experiencia

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