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Red Leather Bandanas

Bring 15 Red Leather Bandanas to Scout Galiaan at Sentinel Hill.
Red Leather Bandana (15)


The Defias Front is constantly shifting. I've been following their movements for quite some time now. On a side note, I've ascertained that many members of the gang can be tracked by the Red Leather Bandanas they wear.

Bring me 15 of these Bandanas and I'll see to it you are rewarded.




Vous pourrez choisir une de ces récompenses :
Cloak of the People's Militia Greaves of the People's Militia
Leggings of the People's Militia
Vous recevrez également : 6 60 si completé au niveau 80


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 1 050 points d'expérience
  • 250 points de réputation avec Hurlevent

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