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Proof of Demise: The Black Knight

Esta misión fue marcada como obsoleta y no puede ser obtenida o completada.
Archmage Lan'dalock in Dalaran wants you to return with a Fragment of the Black Knight's Soul.

This quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.
Fragment of the Black Knight's Soul


My counterpart, Archmage Timear, has asked me to warn you of something dire. Soon, you will be participating in the Trial of the Champions at the Argent Coliseum in Icecrown. You must beware of interference from one known only as the Black Knight.

Bring me a fragment of his soul that the Kirin Tor will know he is dealt with. I am told that failing to do so will be your own undoing.




Recibirás: 22 20  (o 26 46 si se completa al nivel 80)
Emblem of Triumph


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 44.100 experiencia
  • 97.5 reputación con Kirin Tor

Información relacionada
