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Coyote Thieves

Bring 30 Coyote Jawbones to Neeka Bloodscar in Kargath.
Coyote Jawbone (30)


Have you spent many days in the Badlands, <clase>? Have you felt its heat? Have you faced the beasts that wander its dusty plains? It's time you did.

Crag coyotes are a tough breed. Tough, and bold enough to creep into Kargath and steal from our food supplies. Help rid the outpost of these thieves!

Hunt crag coyotes, <nombre>. Hunt them and bring me their jawbones. Bring me enough, and maybe I'll believe it when you say you know the Badlands.




Recibirás: 26 40 si se completa al nivel 80


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 4.370 experiencia
  • 250 reputación con Orgrimmar

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