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Relic of the Earthen Ring

Bring your four totems to Farseer Eannu in Ironforge.
Fire Totem
Earth Totem
Air Totem
Water Totem


You have progressed far in your training, <название>. Now that you have mastered the four basic elements, you must strive to keep all four in balance. There is a practical benefit to this discipline - with practice, you may carry only a single relic instead of all four totems.

Speak to Farseer Eannu near the Great Forge in Ironforge. He will help you hone your mastery of the elements.




Следующее заклинание будет наложено на вас:
Тотем Служителей Земли
Этот предмет превратится в Relic of the Earthen Ring, если вы перейдете за Орда.

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