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Relic of the Earthen Ring

Bring your four totems to Gotura Fourwinds in Orgrimmar.
Fire Totem
Earth Totem
Air Totem
Water Totem


You have progressed far in your training, <nombre>. Now that you have mastered the four basic elements, you must strive to keep all four in balance. There is a practical benefit to this discipline - with practice, you may carry only a single relic instead of all four totems.

Speak to Gotura Fourwinds at the Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar, and hone your mastery of the elements.




Te van a lanzar el siguiente hechizo:
Tótem del Anillo de la Tierra
Esta misión será convertido a Relic of the Earthen Ring si lo transfieres a la Alianza.

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