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Don't Forget The Stuffing!

Bring 20 Spice Bread Stuffing to Ondani Greatmill outside Orgrimmar.
Spice Bread Stuffing (20)


Keeping these tables stocked can be overwhelming! I've got to make the cranberry chutney while keeping my eye on the sweet potatoes, and making sure the pies don't burn.

I think I've got everything covered. No, wait, I'm forgetting something. The stuffing! Oh, no. There won't be time to get another batch of stuffing started before everything else is done. Would you be willing to help me out? It shouldn't take long to buy or make some stuffing and you can buy the ingredients right here.




Вам дадут возможность выбрать одну из следующих наград:
Pilgrim's Hat Pilgrim's Attire
Pilgrim's Boots Pilgrim's Dress
Pilgrim's Robe Turkey Shooter
Вы также получите: 6 63 на 80-м уровне


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