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We're Out of Cranberry Chutney Again?

Bring 20 servings of Cranberry Chutney to Roberta Carter at the feasting area in the courtyard above Undercity.
Cranberry Chutney (20)


I wish I knew why we're going through cranberry chutney so fast. Sometimes, I think they're feeding it to the abominations when I'm not looking. Would you be willing to help me make up a new batch? If you're a cook, you can get the tangy Southfury cranberries you'll need from the Pilgrim's Bounty vendor outside Orgrimmar.

If you don't feel up to cooking, you could always ask someone else to make the chutney, too.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Pilgrim's Hat Pilgrim's Attire
Pilgrim's Boots Pilgrim's Dress
Pilgrim's Robe Turkey Shooter
También recibirás: 6 63 si se completa al nivel 80


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