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Centaur Bounty

Bring 15 Centaur Ears to Corporal Melkins at Nijel's Point in Desolace.
Centaur Ear (15)


Many clans make up the centaur race. Each has its own leader and agenda, but all the clans have one thing in common. Cruelty.

If we are to ever find peace, then the centaurs must be removed. And so I put you on the task to do just that.

While wandering Desolace, hunt centaur and take their ears. Bring me many, many ears.

Do this in service of the Alliance, <nombre>, and we will be one step closer to war's end.




Recibirás: 22 80 si se completa al nivel 80
Ring of Calm


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:

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