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Blood of the Chosen

Knight-Captain Drosche on the Skybreaker has sent you to kill 20 vrykul in Ymirheim.


Ymirheim Vrykul slain (20)


Those vrykul that have gained the favor of the Lich King call themselves the Ymirjar. They inhabit a city in the center of Icecrown. We have a lot of preparations to make before we assault Icecrown Citadel, and the one that stands before us now is routing these so-called "Chosen" of the Lich King.

Go to their city, Ymirheim, and slaughter them in their home. Let there be no questions as to who the stronger combatants are here.



Vous recevrez : 7 40  (ou 13 23 si completé au niveau 80)


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
Cette quête sera converti en Blood of the Chosen si vous transférez en Horde.

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