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Shatter the Shards

Bring the Broken Shard of Horror, the Broken Shard of Despair, and the Broken Shard of Suffering to Koltira Deathweaver aboard Orgrim's Hammer.
Broken Shard of Horror
Broken Shard of Despair
Broken Shard of Suffering


Joueurs suggérés : 5


Atop the battlements of Corp'rethar, the Lich King's minions have erected three crystals, the shards of horror, despair, and suffering. Should our men reach the walls of Corp'rethar, he will unleash these weapons on our army.

In full effect, the crystals will afflict the minds of our men with paralyzing pain and fear. Then, the Scourge will be able to slaughter them at will.

Find these shards, destroy them, and bring me their broken remains. We cannot allow the Lich King to deploy these weapons!




Vous recevrez : 7 40  (ou 16 53 si completé au niveau 80)


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
Cette quête sera converti en Shatter the Shards si vous transférez en Alliance.

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