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Halls of Stone

Brann Bronzebeard wants you to accompany him as he uncovers the secrets that lie in the Halls of Stone.
Brann's Exploration complete


Well now, I'm surprised to see other adventurers in a place such as this! It so happens that I could use a bit o' company for what lies ahead.

If my research on these halls is accurate, there be monumental discoveries to be made here!

Assumin' I can count on ya to watch my back, you're welcome to tag along. So, what'dya say, <класс>? Care ta join me?




Вам дадут возможность выбрать одну из следующих наград:
Mantle of the Intrepid Explorer Shoulderpads of the Adventurer
Spaulders of Lost Secrets Pauldrons of Reconnaissance
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