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Dark Ranger Marrah wants you to steal 5 Vrykul Weapons from Utgarde Keep and bring them to High Executor Anselm in Vengeance Landing.
Vrykul Weapon (5)


We must discover the secret to these savages' weapons!

If you'd have seen how easily they cut through my companions, you'd understand my sense of urgency. Just have a look at their forge if you doubt my words.

Scour the place. Gather all of their arms that you can carry and bring them to Anselm for his inspection.

Do not fail us, <classe>. Every weapon you are able to bring out of this place is one less that we must face in the field.




Vous pourrez choisir une de ces récompenses :
Necklace of Calm Skies Hundred Tooth Necklace
Tiled-Stone Pendant Amulet of Constrained Power
Vous recevrez également : 18 80


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 40 200 points d'expérience

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