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Funky Fungi

You are to collect 6 Grotesque Fungus from Savage Cave Beasts in Ahn'kahet and deliver them to Kilix the Unraveler in The Pit of Narjun.
Grotesque Fungus (6)


A misshapen piece of mushroom-like fungus falls from a particularly smelly, ooze-covered patch of the cave beast's flesh. Examining it, you are violently repulsed by its overwhelming stench.

You wonder to yourself if this is the kind of thing that the nerubians might find appetizing. Placing the sticky organism in your pack, you determine to find out...




Vous recevrez : 25 38 si completé au niveau 80


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 42 300 points d'expérience

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