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Amidst the Confusion

Keritose Bloodblade at the Shadow Vault has requested a Weeping Quarry Document, a Weeping Quarry Ledger, a Weeping Quarry Map, and a Weeping Quarry Schedule.
Weeping Quarry Document
Weeping Quarry Ledger
Weeping Quarry Map
Weeping Quarry Schedule


Shutting down their operation is just half of the plan. The other important goal here is to find out where all that saronite is being sent. We know of a few places it's been ending up, but the amount they're pulling out suggests to me that there's a bigger project in the works.

Once you're inside the quarry, get your hands on any of their documents that you can find. If you're assaulting the place with one of the gryphons, you can drop down from it as soon as the wetwork is done.




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