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Death's Gaze

Use the Death's Gaze Orb to place orbs on the Abomination Lab Orb Stand, the Flesh Giant Lab Orb Stand, and the Cauldron Area Orb Stand, then return to Darkrider Arly at Blackwatch.
Orb placed in abomination lab
Orb placed in flesh giant lab
Orb placed in cauldron area
Objet fourni :
Death's Gaze Orb


The Fleshwerks is a vast operation, and it will be difficult to keep an eye on all that transpires there. Fortunately, I have a plan.

<Arly produces an orb from the folds of her cloak and shows it to you.>

This is a death's gaze orb. With it, we can observe the Scourge's actions and decide how best to strike.

Place these orbs on the stands at three crucial areas -- the abomination lab and the flesh giant lab to the southwest, along with the area surrounding the green cauldron far to the west.




Vous recevrez : 7 40  (ou 13 23 si completé au niveau 80)


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