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Revenge for the Vargul

Bethod Feigr in The Underhalls wants you to throw down his sword to challenge Thane Illskar and then kill him in The Circle of Suffering.
Challenge issued using Bethod's Sword
Thane Illskar tué
Objet fourni :
Bethod's Sword


I've been praying to The Lady of the Sword for one to come and strike down my enemy. Thane Illskar must pay for what he did to me!

I was the champion of Thane Ufrang the Mighty. During my fight for ascendance in Valhalas, Illskar sabotaged me with dark magic, causing me to lose and be reduced to this.

The thane and his champions can be found below in The Circle of Suffering. Challenge him on my behalf. Defeat him.

Make him know the suffering that I know!




Vous pourrez choisir une de ces récompenses :
Mantle of the Underhalls Boots of the Fallen Thane
Illskar's Greatcloak Gauntlets of the Holy Gladiator
Circlet of Suffering
Vous recevrez également : 14 80  (ou 16 53 si completé au niveau 80)


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :

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