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Raising Hodir's Spear

Lorekeeper Randvir in Dun Niffelem wants you to collect 3 Everfrost Shards from the depths of Hibernal Cavern and 3 Stoic Mammoth Hides from the Stoic Mammoths in the Valley of Ancient Winters.
Everfrost Shard (3)
Stoic Mammoth Hide (3)


The time has come, little <classe>. The stars have foretold of this day.

I have received a vision from mighty Hodir himself, revealing the secret to the creation of a great artifact.

We must obey! Were we to fail in receiving this gift, doom would surely follow.

I call upon you to assist me in this sacred undertaking.

Go across the valley, deep into the Hibernal Cavern and gather everfrost shards from the icy crater there, then collect hides from the mammoths outside the cavern.




Vous allez être la cible du sort suivant :
See Hodir's Spear Primer
Vous recevrez : 7 40  (ou 13 23 si completé au niveau 80)


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :

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