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The Gifts of Loken

Destroy Loken's Fury, Loken's Power, and Loken's Favor, and return to Bouldercrag the Rockshaper at Bouldercrag's Refuge.
Loken's Fury destroyed
Loken's Power destroyed
Loken's Favor destroyed


The one who commands the stormforged iron dwarves is called Runeseer Valduran. Although I have never seen them, it is said that his master, Keeper Loken, who took over Ulduar, has given Valduran powerful titan artifacts.

It could explain the strength and ferocity my men see in the stormforged warriors.

Valduran's base, Nidavelir, lies to the southwest, across the Snowdrift Plains. Go there, <nom>, and neutralize his power. Destroy these gifts of Loken's and help us to sap the strength of his followers.




Vous pourrez choisir une de ces récompenses :
Leggings of Renewed Hope Bouldercrag's Pendant
Mantle of Bouldercrag Rockshaper's Resolve
Vous recevrez également : 7 40  (ou 13 23 si completé au niveau 80)


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 22 050 points d'expérience

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