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The Exiles of Ulduar

Speak with Bouldercrag the Rockshaper at Bouldercrag's Refuge.


The Storm Peaks are an intriguing place, but there's far more here than titan ruins. The peoples who live here face a dire threat in Loken and his minions.

He sent his favorite servants, the iron dwarves, on a brutal campaign against all the creatures of stone. He expelled the earthen from Ulduar, forcing them to take shelter at Bouldercrag's Refuge, on the face of a mountain west of the Inventor's Library. Bouldercrag and his brethren are beset by the iron dwarves there. Find and help them, <nom>.



Vous recevrez : 74  (ou 1 32 si completé au niveau 80)


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 2 200 points d'expérience
Cette quête sera converti en The Earthen of Ulduar si vous transférez en Horde.

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