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Ancient Relics

Return 10 Relics of Ulduar to Olut Alegut at the Grom'arsh Crash-site.
Relic of Ulduar (10)


Welcome to the peaks.

I have a simple request before you head off on whatever grand jaunt you have planned. There are relics and treasures of ancient Ulduar scattered through these mountains. Most are likely in possession of the various sentient races.

Return any that you find to me, and I will reward you in kind. Perhaps I'll even let you partake on my many potent ales.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Airy Pale Ale Worg Tooth Oatmeal Stout
Snowfall Lager Drakefire Chile Ale
También recibirás: 6 80  (o 12 96 si se completa al nivel 80)


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
Esta misión será convertido a Ancient Relics si lo transfieres a la Alianza.

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