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Bringing Down Heb'Jin

Element-Tamer Dagoda at Zim'Torga wants you to kill Heb'Jin.
Heb'Jin matado
Objeto provisto:
Bat Net


<Dagoda looks at Ahunae and sighs.>

You want to really deal with Heb'Drakkar? Collecting scalps isn't going to get the job done. You have to take out their leader, Heb'Jin.

The problem is, he's up on the bat rookery goading his forces on.

Bang his drum and I guarantee that he'll fly down. That's when you kill him.

You can take this net we got from one of his headhunters. Use it to trap his bat when he lands. That way you won't have to fight both of them.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Band of Misty Mojo Leggings of the Ritual
Gauntlets of the Altar Supple Mantle of the Bloodletter
También recibirás: 6 50  (o 12 84 si se completa al nivel 80)


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 21.400 experiencia

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