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The Part-time Hunter

Bring Pitch's Remains to Tamara Wobblesprocket at Lakeside Landing.
Pitch's Remains


When Hemet asked me to accompany Marvin out here, I hoped that I might have the opportunity to work on my own hunting skills in between repairing the flying machines and setting up the camp.

I wanted to take down a ferocious lion named Pitch. He's said to make his home south of here, near where the Wildgrowth Mangal meets the northern face of the Skyreach Pillar. If you can find the beast, would you bring back his remains? If the rumors are true, they'd make a trophy even Hemet will respect!




Recibirás: 6 20  (o 12 69 si se completa al nivel 80)


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 21.150 experiencia

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