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PvP Test

Kill 10 opponents.
Ogro mago Vientomuerto matado (5000)


Jugadores derrotados (10)


Kill me some guys from the other side! Those guys suck! I need to test something, so let's just repeat this over and over again. I need to test something, so let's just repeat this over and over again. I need to test something, so let's just repeat this over and over again. I need to test something, so let's just repeat this over and over again. I need to test something, so let's just repeat this over and over again. I need to test something, so let's just repeat this over and over again.


Recibirás: 7 40  (o 13 23 si se completa al nivel 80)
Arena Points Honor Points


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 5 experiencia

Información relacionada
