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That Which Creates Can Also Destroy
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That Which Creates Can Also Destroy

Lord Itharius at the top of Wyrmrest Temple has asked you to destroy a Weakened Reanimated Frost Wyrm, Weakened Turgid the Vile, and Weakened Overseer Deathgaze.
Wyrm de givre réanimé affaibli tué
Turgid l'Infâme affaibli tué
Surveillant Miremort affaibli tué
Objet fourni :
Seeds of Nature's Wrath


Since we only have three seeds, we must put them to the best possible use.

Your targets are one of the reanimated frost wyrms circling to the north near Galakrond's Rest, Turgid the Vile in the ruined barracks at the Carrion Fields to the east, and Overseer Deathgaze at Jintha'kalar far to the northeast.

While the seeds would outright destroy one of the lesser Scourge, they will greatly weaken these three. Enough so, in fact, that you should be able to handle them on your own.




Vous pourrez choisir une de ces récompenses :
Mantle of Itharius Gloves of the Emerald Stalker
Verdant Hunter's Guise Breastplate of Nature's Ire
Vous recevrez également : 16 80


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