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Wanted: Onslaught Commander Iustus

Kill Onslaught Commander Iustus and return to Highlord Leoric Von Zeldig at Wintergarde Keep in Dragonblight to collect your reward.
Comandante del Embate Iustus matado


Jugadores sugeridos: 4


Posted by: Highlord Leoric Von Zeldig

Upon the northeastern path from Wintergarde a battalion of 7th Legion were ambushed and slain by Onslaught Commander Iustus and an army of mindless Scarlet Onslaught zealots. Such cold and calculated actions must be met with force!

Wintergarde demands justice! Seek out Onslaught Commander Iustus at Onslaught Base Camp to the northeast and end his miserable existence.

I will hand out the reward for this bounty to any who would dare take up the task!




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Paingiver Wristguards Sabatons of the Enforcer
Legpads of the Inquisitor Robe of the Justicebringer
También recibirás: 11 20  (o 12 45 si se completa al nivel 80)


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:

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